Friday, June 8, 2012

I Made Cuter Cutoffs

I saw something similar to this on Pinterest but of course being me, I had to kick it up a notch! (The one on Pinterest only had a fabric waistband.)

So basically what I did was remove the waistband from some jean cutoffs and added a fabric tie-front waistband and matching trim around the legs.  It only took about one and half hours total and a half yard of fabric.  In other news, my thread did not break even once whilst sewing these babies.

So first I used a razor blade knife to remove the waistband from the cutoffs.  If I would have taken my time, I probably could have "properly" removed it but whateves.  It wasn't perfect but any imperfections were covered up by the fabric I added.

Then, I took the yard of fabric and folded it in half length wise and pressed it.  Then I folded it over again length wise and pressed it.  Then I cut along the creases into four relatively equal parts/strips.  (In the next paragraph, I'll try not to start so many sentences with "Then".)

I took each strip and folded it in half and pressed.  After pressing I folded each half again inwards towards the crease and pressed. 

After all four strips were folded and pressed, I first pinned to the leg openings, cutting off the excess and overlapping the leg trim just slightly.  Then I pinned to the waistband starting from the center back and working my way to the front.  I trimmed the selvage ends off and made a little tuck on the ends, creating a triangular-shaped end. 

Using a straight stitch I sewed the trim on the leg openings, folding under the overlapped portions before sewing.  The waistband was next.  I started from the place I started pinning from and stopped where the zipper area of the jeans started and picked up again where it stopped, stitching up the rest of the "ties". 

That's it.  I accidentally sewed one of the pockets into the waistband which I found out after I put them on.  Big whoop, I just cut the pockets and I'll stitch it closed later.

I plan to do more of these, I see a trip to Joann's in my future!

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