Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Made... My New Favorite Burger

As you may have noticed, there are no photos to induce salivation but these burgers were so good I couldn't stop to take pictures!
I bought this big ol' package of Angus Frozen Hamburger patties at Sam's a few weeks back and I've been throwing them on the grill at least a couple of times a week.
Well, today, I decided to make my burger a little more gourmet than my standard-issue-mayo-mustard-cheddar cheese-lettuce-pickle. I topped the patties with Swiss cheese today and squirted on some Grey Poupon dijon mustard and... wait for it... a handful of baby spinach leaves. Holy schnikes! That was one of the best tasting burgers I've consumed and believe you me, I'm a bit of an expert when it comes to burgers (my favorite food, pretty much).
I encourage you to try it out; you will NOT be disappointed.

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